August 3, 2021

High claim rate means higher premiums for county

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

Due to a high number of motor vehicle accidents as well as lawsuit settlements, McKenzie County will be facing a substantial increase in its insurance premiums with the North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund (NDIRF). And if the county doesn’t take steps to lessen its claims, the NDIRF could potentially drop them as a client.
That was the somber news that Erica Johnsrud, McKenzie County auditor/treasurer, shared with the county commissioners during their meeting on Tuesday, July 20.
“I brought to this board last year that NDIRF is very concerned about our rate of loss on our general liability,” Johnsrud told the commissioners. “NDIRF doesn’t want to non-renew us. But we’re moving one step closer to being non-renewed.”

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