Johnson Corners Christian Academy provides students the best of both worlds

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
While everyone has their own opinion when it comes to the subject of schooling, there will always be some parents who choose public school and others that choose homeschool. For those who like the idea of both, Johnson Corners Christian Academy (JCCA) is an ideal place to send their child(ren) to. It offers a unique experience and maybe even the best of both worlds.
As JCCA kicked off its new school year on Aug. 18, it welcomed 16 new students making for an enrollment of 74 students this year.
“We are trying to implement more programs that are hands-on for the kids,” says Colene Ninneman, Johnson Corners Christian Academy administrator.
By next year, Ninneman says the academy hopes to add a robotics program to keep up with the current educational trends.
“Obviously we aren’t going to do anything that mars our foundational values. But we want to stay current, so the kids are well engaged,” she says.
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