Let’s go fly a kite

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
From ages 2 to 102, anyone can enjoy a kite, says Curt Giebler.
“It’s not just a spectator sport,” he said. “Anyone can participate.”
Tobacco Gardens Resort & Marina will host its first ever kite festival this weekend with demonstrations and performances by Giebler and his wife Kendra. The pair travel all over the country, bringing kites to communities large and small.
“I think we’ve all had a kite in our hand at one point or another,” Giebler said, hence his passion to reintroduce the activity to adults and older generations in this modern age.
And as he says, anyone can do it.
“If you’re confined to a wheelchair, it doesn’t matter your physical ability, you can put your back to the wind and let the kite go out of your hand and start feeding it line,” he said.
In 18 years, the couple have visited all the Lower 48 states, now concentrating on middle America where kiting isn’t as common as on the coasts.
They’ve been to North Dakota before, stopping in Bowman and Dickinson, and Tobacco Gardens will be an entirely new stop.
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