January 19, 2021

Mass vaccination planned for county residents over 75

Mass vaccination planned for county residents over 75

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer

While the federal government has plans to roll out millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccines, it may be a while before the majority of McKenzie County residents will be able to get vaccinated.
According to Michael Curtis, McKenzie County Healthcare Systems, Inc. executive director/CAO, the limiting factor is going to be how much of the vaccine the healthcare system receives.
“We are now going to be starting to vaccinate people who are 75 years of age and older as part of a mass event,” states Curtis. “The first vaccination event is set to take place on Thursday, Jan. 21, at the Watford City Civic Center.”
While the healthcare system is hoping to have an online registration program available soon, Curtis says that those 65 years of age or older who are interested in receiving the vaccine, should call 701-580-8365 to pre-register.
“Eventually we’ll go to an online sign-up once we move on with the state’s phases,” states Curtis.
To date, 280 people in the community have been vaccinated, according to Curtis, who says he hopes to see that number increase over time.

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