Moving to Watford was “Love at first bite”

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
When Sara Wescott contemplated the decision to move to Watford City last year to join her husband after he had taken a job in the oil field, a big selling point for her was Tobacco Gardens on Lake Sakakawea.
That’s because Wescott loves to fish and Tobacco Gardens, the popular recreation area located north of Watford City, is home to many different fish species that come with all kinds of idiosyncrasies.
“Tobacco Gardens is such an awesome fishing resource that we have right there in our backyard. And it’s a 20-minute drive,” says Sara Wescott, a mom of two girls.
With fresh knowledge of the local hot spot, Wescott says shortly after getting settled in her new home turf of Watford City, she wasted no time scouting out the lake to figure out what it was all about.