National Night Out brings law enforcement, community together

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
On Tuesday, Aug. 6, more than 500 community members gathered together for a locally sponsored event called National Night Out, which was held as a way to bring the community together.
“This is to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the community,” says Sgt. Jeffrey Jensen of the Watford City Police Department.
Jensen says it’s important that the community of Watford City sees police officers as something other than just a law enforcement member, but a person.
“Through this event, we’re actually able to do that,” says Jensen. “And show the community - hey, we’re brothers, sisters, fathers and family out here too.”
Through the course of the 3rd Annual Night Out, there was a free barbecue, bounce houses, police, fire, and EMS vehicle displays, vehicle extrication demonstrations and more.
“The goal of National Night Out is to have a better relationship with our community members,” says Jensen. “We also want our community members to meet us.”
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