New restaurant says come get fed at The Shed

Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
Watford City’s new buffet-style restaurant, The Shed, is the latest project of local foodies, Ryan Seigfreid and Cindy Willey. Seigfreid and Willey saw that there was a need in the community for a new family restaurant, specifically a buffet.
“I want to fill a void that’s missing in the community,” says Seigfreid.
The restaurant will offer comfort food staples and is scheduled to open mid-February. It will be located in the same commercial row of businesses as Cash Wise, on the corner beside Home of Economy.
“I’ve heard several people saying, ‘Oh my God, we’re getting a Golden Corral,” said Willey, with a laugh.
Willey became acquainted with Seigfreid through working for him at Burrito Bros. The two quickly found that starting a restaurant also meant they had to be good at building layout and design.