School purchases MEC property
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
A new home for the for the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1’s Transportation Dept. is soon going to be a reality. During the district’s April 11 school board meeting, the board unanimously approved offering $2 million for the McKenzie Electric Cooperative facility located on 4th Avenue in Watford City.
“The final sale is still pending ratification by the McKenzie Electric board,” stated Steve Holen, school district superintendent. “But we expect that to happen at their next meeting and to be able to close on the purchase on July 1.”
For Holen finally having a site large enough to house their 40-bus fleet is a dream come true.
“We’ve always wanted a long-term solution for a bus facility,” stated Holen. “With seven acres of land and the building, we will finally have an indoor facility to be able to service our bus fleet. And it is in a great location for us which provides us with ideal access to our schools.”
But, according to Holen, the MEC building is ultimately going to be much more than a transportation facility.
“In the long run, we can see the office portion of the building being converted into a Career Technical Education center,” stated Holen. “We could use it for more advanced classes in welding and in the building trades. This building provides us with the space to be able to offer those classes.”
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