Sheriff wins hearing as attorney points to courthouse turmoil

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
As McKenzie County Sheriff Gary Schwartzenberger won his hearing Monday, Aug. 1, in Bismarck, his attorney has cited “petty, partisan, political prosecution” as the reason for charges faced by Schwartzenberger and two deputies.
“Gary is not unlike a lot of rural (county sheriffs) and has a personality clash with the young state’s attorney who is not very experienced,” defense attorney Tom Dickson said Thursday, Aug. 4, from Seattle. “I’m sorry Jake Rodenbiker doesn’t like Gary Schwartzenberger. That’s really the long and short of it.”
Citing “professional criticism” from the sheriff’s office toward Rodenbiker as the root of criminal charges leveled at Schwartzenberger, Corporal Travis Bateman and detective Michael Schmitz, Dickson said the state’s attorney “drummed up a ridiculous charge” in response to clashing with Schwartzenberger.
“The cops are talking among themselves and it gets back to Jake and his feelings are hurt,” Dickson said, “and when you stumble on your job, it doesn’t look good.”
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