The controversial hunt for mule deer inside city limits of Watford has begun
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022 at noon began the first ever mule deer bow hunt within the limits of Watford City. This controversial program was implemented after many meetings between the Watford City City Council, residents, the North Dakota Department of Game and Fish, and local law enforcement.
The mule deer that call Watford City home have been increasing in population every year, which has led to an overpopulation of the animals. Overpopulation will affect not only the animals themselves, but the general public as well.
Nearly a month into the hunt and there are many questions about its efficacy. Currently it is estimated that there are on average 10 deer per square mile of land in western North Dakota. This ratio is even higher in cities and towns where the deer have easy access to food and very little exposure to predators. In the summer the deer are out in the fields, but as the weather cools the deer move into the perceived sanctuary of the city.