Volunteers help light up the nursing home

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
“It’s amazing isn’t it?” says Lynn Welker, McKenzie County Healthcare Systems, Inc. public relations says, of the beautifully decorated courtyard at the Good Shepherd Home in Watford City.
Last week more than 70 area residents, along with several organizations from throughout the community, gathered at the Good Shepherd Home to join Kristin Rhone and members of the activity programming team to decorate the courtyard with an abundance of Christmas decor and bedazzlements.
“What you see from the highway is really a culmination from a really amazing idea from Rhone,” says Welker.
While being mindful of social distancing, health and wellness, local community members congregated in the courtyard last Tuesday to decorate in the spirit of Christmas.
“The smiles from the residents at the nursing home and just the wonderful feedback from the community has been humbling,” says Rhone, McKenzie County Healthcare Systems, Inc./Horizon Assisted Living activity director.
The Watford City High School cheerleaders were among some of the groups to lend a hand, Welker says, of what started as a simple idea and then instantly grew.
“After we put the request out on Facebook hoping for someone to offer to come out and help, it went from a post on a Sunday to oh my gosh, so many people willing to help out,” says Welker.
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