Watford City offers wide range of winter recreational opportunities
By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
Watford City has always been known to hold a lot of classic opportunities of good, clean fun for people of all ages. And in 2021, it’s no different. While the lack of cold weather has made it a little trickier to partake in outdoor activities, there’s plenty of opportunities if you are looking for them.
“We still have the outdoor skating rink,” says Robin Arndt, Watford City Parks and Recreation Department supervisor, of the outdoor ice rink located across the street from Bolken Park. “With the cooler nights, people have been utilizing it.”
“For the walking trails, they are still open for anyone that wants to get out there and walk,” says Arndt. “It’s been nice weather.”
With the addition of the Linear Park last year, it’s one of many avenues for physical exercise even in the winter, Arndt says.
“We don’t have any snow for sledding,” says Arndt. “But when we did have snow, people were using that hill at the Rotary Park.”
“The dog park is still open so take your dogs,” encourages Arndt.