Wolves open football season at Hazen

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
In yet another change to North Dakota’s football classifications, the North Dakota High School Activities Association is splitting the Class A schools into two divisions.
The Class AA will be comprised of the state’s 10 largest Class A schools with Bismarck High, Century, Legacy, Mandan, Williston, and Minot in the West AA Region, while Fargo Davies, Fargo Shanley, West Fargo, and Cheyenne make up the East.
Making up the Class A West division will be Watford City, Dickinson, Bismarck St. Mary’s, Jamestown and Turtle Mountain, while Grand Forks Red River, Central, Fargo North and South, Valley City, Devils Lake, and Wahpeton will be in the Class A East division.
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