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In spite of a low turnout by parents and youth, the McKenzie County Community Coalition’s (MC3) 3rd Town Hall Meeting addressing underage drinking and substance abuse resulted in a new hope of getting a handle on underage drinking.

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McKenzie County is fortunate to have a full healthcare system including a hospital, clinic, nursing home and wellness center. But having those facilities mean nothing if there aren’t any doctors.

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With housing within the Watford City city limits at a short supply, should the city extend its sewer services outside the current city limits to serve three proposed developments? Or would it be in the city’s interest to annex outlying property into the city limits and then provide those services?

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In spite of a general slowing of the state’s economy during the fourth quarter of 2009, fueled by a robust energy sector, Watford City as well as McKenzie County bucked that trend and continued to show positive growth.

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A canoe trip down the Little Missouri River is a great way to experience the beauty and solitude of the North Dakota Badlands. According to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park Guide, it takes three to four days to canoe the 110 miles from Medora N.D., to the Long X Bridge south of Watford City. But if you ask Nick Ybarra and his father-in-law, Marty Mulder, they’ll tell you it can be done in one day.

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Spring is finally here, and with it comes the dreaded road construction season. The first project in McKenzie County has already started on Highway 85 south of Watford City, and it’s not scheduled to wrap up until October. But as always, the road will be nicer and safer when it’s finished.

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If you’re looking for some great flips and good entertainment then you won’t want to miss the 22nd annual Badlands Gymnastics Club’s ‘Night of Stars,’ which will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 9 in the Watford City High School Gymnasium.

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Underage drinking is a big problem in McKenzie County and the McKenzie County Community Coalition (MC3) wants your help in resolving this problem.

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Now that the weather is finally beginning to feel like spring, it won’t be long before the time to vote during this summer’s June Primary Election is here too. An election that area school boards hope they’re ready for.

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The need for work coupled with Watford City’s need for housing and commercial space has led two companies to begin construction on the outskirts of Watford City.

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Wind is nothing new to McKenzie County. But harvesting that wind is, and last week’s Wind Energy Meeting was the first step in bringing wind harvesting information to the people of McKenzie County.

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With spring comes calving season, and while some McKenzie County producers haven’t started yet, those that have say that so far, things are going well, especially when you compare this year to last.

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Commission allocates $3.5 million to help bring water into county to serve growing oil industry

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With oil prices sitting close to the $80 mark and above, North Dakota saw the number of active rigs surpass 100 for the first time since February 1982. As of Monday, March 15, there were 19 rigs drilling in McKenzie County.

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March 10, 2010

Looking at wind energy

Anyone living in North Dakota knows that the state’s weather can at times be rather undesirable, especially when the wind is blowing. However, there are many people willing to not only live with the unfavorable wind, but also use the wind to their advantage. An advantage that is noticeable by the state’s changing landscape as wind turbines sprout up throughout the state.

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With an increase in businesses and a shortage of housing, it’s no secret that McKenzie County is growing. While a growing community is a good problem to have, it can make things difficult if you’re trying to plan for the future.

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America’s Got Talent is a talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians and other performers of all ages competing for a top prize of $1 million. Although Watford City Figure Skating Club’s Got Talent participants won’t be vying for $1 million, the audience is sure to be wowed by the group’s amazing skating performances.

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As the price of oil stabilizes in the $70 to $80 range, McKenzie County continues to be a hotbed of oil drilling activity. Especially for Continental Resources, an Enid, Okla.-based company, which is now drilling its first well in McKenzie County using a new concept.

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ong before they were old enough to hunt, Vaughn and Dustin Anderson of Watford City tagged along with their dad, Dennis, on his hunting adventures. As the boys got older and began getting their own licenses, their love for hunting continued to grow.

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Flu season typically peaks in March, and although the panic surrounding the H1N1 virus has settled due to widespread vaccinations and a slowdown in cases, some medical professionals don’t think we’ve seen the last of the virus.

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Water is a basic necessity of life, something that every individual is entitled to. However, quality and availability of water varies from one area to the next, something residents of Watford City are familiar with. But, an upcoming vote could start the process to change that for good. Watford City residents will be asked to vote, in the upcoming June election, on the issue of receiving water from the Missouri River.

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With increased interest and drilling into the Bakken and Three Forks formations, residents of McKenzie County have become accustomed to seeing oil field businesses and families moving into the area. However, in addition to oil field workers, the boom has also brought construction companies to the area for temporary work, with one company deciding to make Watford City its new home.

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The Watford City Civic Center is home to many sporting events throughout the year, but none as unique as the one being held there this coming weekend. The McKenzie County Archery Club (MCAC) will host its annual Indoor 3-D Archery Tournament this Saturday and Sunday.

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Driving through the Badlands south of Watford City is a scenic drive made even more enjoyable by the opportunity to see one of North Dakota’s few bighorn sheep along the route.

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When most people need medical attention, they make an appointment and go to the clinic. However, for some people, it’s not always that simple because they aren’t able to get themselves to the clinic when needed. McKenzie County Healthcare Systems is hopeful its new program will change that.

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One minute, they’re playing with their kids or sitting down to a nice meal with their family. The next, they’re rushing in an ambulance or fire truck to an accident where they’ll be responsible for treating wounds and saving lives.

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Housing continues to be a struggle for Watford City . However, with two new housing projects ready for occupants and a third project getting underway this month, it appears that things should be getting better soon.

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It doesn’t matter who’s driving or where they are heading, every vehicle accident has a cause. It may be road conditions, weather conditions, driver error or something else, but with vehicle accidents up 50 percent from one year ago, many people in McKenzie County think that something needs to be done.

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With snow on the ground and temperatures still below freezing, it’s difficult to think ahead to the local elections coming this June. However, if you’re an elected official or you think you could do a better job than a current elected official, it’s time to start thinking ahead to warmer days.

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It started out looking like the weekend storm wasn’t going to hit McKenzie County too hard, but that feeling didn’t last long once round two hit late Saturday.

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