August 10, 2021

Beauty is in the eye of the runner

Beauty is in the eye of the runner

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer

As Tricia Sundeen, an avid runner and community member of Watford City, made her daily way through the Linear Park at the Fox Hills subdivision, something caught her eye. But it wasn’t for the right reason.
“The inside of the tunnel had terrible, terrible graffiti on it,” Sundeen says. “It’s so sad to see what keeps happening.”
Following her discovery of the graffiti, Sundeen began brainstorming with Morgan Wagner, a local artist and yoga instructor at the Connie Wold Wellness Center, to cultivate ideas to diminish the graffiti.
While Sundeen overlooks a program called Run Like A Girl, Wagner happens to serve as one of the program’s coaches.
“Every summer, our program tries to have a small service project that they do,” Sundeen says.

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