August 10, 2021
Homegrown produce and handmade gifts highlight the return of the Watford Market
By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
Sizzling hot temperatures couldn’t keep local residents away from the Watford Market last week.
The annual event happens every summer where vegetables and other homegrown goodies are sold at the Kent Pelton Nature Park in Watford City. And it drew a decent crowd on its first night, Thursday, Aug. 5.
“I think you’re attracted to pine,” said Brandi Berdan to her husband as they smelled a variety soaps at the McKenzie Soap Booth.
“I am attracted to pine,” responded a quirky Jeremy Berdan as the couple’s two daughters giggled.
While everyone has their own reason for attending the Watford Market, for Berdan, it was her lack of vegetable growth this year.