August 10, 2021

Commissioners have no easy answer to insurance woes

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

With McKenzie County facing significant increases in its insurance premiums or the possibility of not being covered by the North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund (NDIRF), the McKenzie County commissioners are saying that it is finally time for them to take corrective action.
Two weeks ago, Erica Johnsrud, McKenzie County auditor/treasurer, told the commissioners that the county would be receiving a Consent to Rate letter from the NDIRF, which provides that they can increase the county’s premium to cover its losses as a result of a high number of motor vehicle accidents, as well as lawsuit settlements.
“This didn’t just happen this year or last year, stated Commissioner Kathy Skarda, during the commission’s Aug. 3 meeting. “This has been going on for 10 years. We’re stepping up to the plate.”

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