City of Arnegard looks at expanding city limits
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
The City of Arnegard has begun the process of assessing the possibility of extending the extraterritorial area (ETA), also known as the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) or extraterritorial zone (ETZ), which surrounds the official boundaries of the City of Arnegard. In North Dakota, the terms ETA, ETZ, and ETJ are all used and they are essentially interchangeable.
“We are looking at the ETJ at this time, but no decisions have been made,” Arnegard City Council President, Rick Schreiber told the Board of McKenzie County Commissioners. “We would like to get a decision made in the next few months, before the new fiscal year if possible, but we won’t have any decisions until the city council can meet and explore the options.”
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