November 9, 2022

County employees recognized

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer

At the McKenzie County Commissioner Meeting on Tuesday Nov. 1, county employees were recognized for their years of service.
Each public servant was thanked for their time and dedication to the county and given a certificate to commemorate their time.
Alicia Madsen, chief deputy recorder; Michael Ficken, patrol lieutenant; Scott Jenks, public works operator; and Richard Schreiber, solid waste director, received recognition for their 10th year of service.
Steven Reidle, public works officer, and Matthew Johansen, sheriff, were recognized for 15 years of service.
Carol Kieson, county superintendent of schools, is retiring after 20 years.
Malissa Schroeder, facilities director, has 23 years, and Kristy Roles, water utility specialist, has completed 25 years.
Kimberly Neprash, extension administration assistant, has served for 28 years.
Debbie Johnston, accounting specialist, has worked 34 years for the county.
The employee who has been employed by the county the longest is Jim Larson. He is a public works operator and has worked for McKenzie County for 39 years.