Hitting the ground running

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
Doctors Ravindra Joshi and Torfi Hoskuldsson have hit the ground running - performing surgeries at the new Watford City McKenzie County Healthcare Systems (MCHS) hospital over the last few months.
With seven total joint replacements under his belt at the new facility, Dr. Joshi sees upward of 20 people in a half day. Dr. Hoskuldsson, while regularly performing surgeries on general lumps and bumps, recently removed the first gall bladder for the hospital in one of the state-of-the-art operating rooms.
Patients are generally traveling from within the county and sometimes from the rural clinics that MCHS has in Tioga and Stanley. Sam Perry, director of Operations, said that having services so close is improving the health, and safety, of the county as a whole.
“People are starting to select care close to home,” Perry said. “They not only save on travel time and cost, but limited travel means that they are more safe.”
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