November 14, 2023

New fire truck coming to Arnegard

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer

The Arnegard Rural Fire Department reveived funding from the Mckenzie County Board of Commissioners to replace an aging fire truck with a newer model.
So far this year, the Arnegard Rural Fire Department has responded to around 77 calls. According to Schreiber, the Arnegard Rural Fire Department typically responds to between 70 and 105 calls each year. Even with the increase in population in recent years, this amount has stayed constant.
The current truck, which they are planning to trade in as part of the transaction, is a manual 2002 Dodge pickup truck that has been used for a number of years in the department.
“What we are trying to do is replace an aging unit that we are consistently having issues with,” Fire Chief Rick Schreiber said. “We have reached out to a number of fire truck manufacturers getting quotes, writing specs, and figuring out what we need, and what we think we need. Do we need diesel or gas? All those sorts of things.”

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